If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.”—Cesar Chavez

  • 我們位於台北市中山區,一棟50歲左右老公寓的一樓。這裡住滿了屋主多年收藏的老物件,是一個有點奇幻、有點天馬行空的空間。這裡同時是個像家一般溫馨的用餐聚所,讓朋友們得以聚在一起,自在放鬆地享用料理。


    我爸爸總是喜歡為家人以及到訪家中的朋友們親自下廚,端上一道道簡單卻絕對美味的家庭料理。à la maison ,這個一年為期的計畫靈感便是來自於此。我希望在這棟公寓的最後一年中,與更多人分享這個空間,分享食物,一起寫下新的回憶。

  • We are a quaint space located on the ground floor of an over fifty-year-old townhouse in Taipei’s Zhongshan district. À la maison is a warm and welcoming, albeit fantastical, space for people to come together and share home cooked meals prepared by our friends and guest chefs.

    In 2023, this townhouse that I’ve called home for the last twenty years will be torn down. Before I say goodbye to this beloved home, I’m excited to have à la maison as a year-long project to create memories with all of you.

    Inspired by my dad’s humble yet copious homemade dinners he often hosts for our friends and family, I hope to invite you to be a part of the story of this building over a drink (or two!) while digging into some really good homey food.


A Moveable Feast

  • à la maison 提供溫暖心靈的日常家廚料理,而料理內容將依據當日挑選的新鮮食材所決定。我們每一時段僅接待一組訂位,空間可容納每組8-10位的用餐人數。訂位時如果發現日期的旁邊寫著名字,這代表此位特別來賓將會是當日料理的廚師。更多詳細資訊,請私訊我們 IG 的粉絲專頁: alamaison_tw

  • At à la maison, we serve an array of home cooked meals depending on the chef and the ingredients they find on the day you wish to dine with us. We only accept a single group of guests per service- the dining room can seat 8-10 guests. When making a reservation, if there is a name next to the date, it means this special guest will be popping by to cook for you and your friends. Please direct message on Instagram at alamaison_tw for further details.

  • À la maison 歡迎各式開放性的合作!這裡有一個五臟俱全的廚房、一張長長的餐桌、還有一區能坐下來盡情聊天休息的客廳。


    你可以透過 Instagram 聯絡我們:


  • À la maison welcomes collaborators. We welcome and encourage you to utilize our space.

    Bring your chef to use our kitchen for an event or throw a small party. You can even rent it out for a photoshoot! All inquiries are welcome.

    Please direct message us on Instagram at @alamaison_tw if you would like to inquire further details.

In the heart of Taipei

By reservation only
